It was really worth work a look. We spent about two hours there, although I think Master Wicker was done in about an hour. I don't think I've ever seen an Egyptian mummy before, and I'd certainly never seen the chronometer from the HMS Beagle, or realised how very small the worlds first coins were. I will share some of the objects I enjoyed most, or found particularly fascinating, and were easy to photograph.
A great deal of information can be discovered through the close study of a single object. Individual things, when approached in the right way, can unlock an understanding of how people lived- from how they worshipped to what they ate.
It was fascinating to see the remnants of the earliest writing. Incredible to see these 5, 000 year old objects so remarkably preserved, and the origins of reading and writing that I hold so dear.
Early writing tablet 3100-3000 BCE Southern Iraq Clay |
A cuneiform tablet showing part of the Epic of Gilgamesh, "the first great epic poem in world literature". A man is warned by God of an impending flood, and told to build a boat to save his family. It predates the Old Testament story of Noah and his Ark.
Flood tablet 700-600 BCE Kouyunjik (Nineveh), Iraq Clay |
Axes were the principal tool of early humans for about a million years! This beautiful one is near perfect and thought not to have been used.
Jade Axe 5000-3600 BCE Biebrech, Germany |
Statue of Ramses II About 1280 BCE Temple of Khnum, Elephantine, Egypt |
Bust of Sophocles About 150 CE Lazio, Italy Marble |
Head of Augustus 27-25 BCE Meroë, Sudan Bronze, glass, calcite |
I learnt that Buddha's long earlobes is a sign of his rejection of wealth - because he was born into wealth he had worn the customary heavy earrings which stretched his lobes, and we see this still after he has renounced the world to seek enlightenment.
Seated Buddha from Gandhara 100-300 CE Gandhara, Pakistan Stone |
Master Wicker's favourite object.
Arabian Bronze Hand 100-300 CE Yemen |
I think this statue was my favourite object, even though it is quite grisly.
Statue of Mithras 100-200 CE Rome, Italy |
The museum folks have done a great job with the installation of the exhibition- it's a stunning mix of old and new, the objects from antiquity displayed with modern accents, there's a great feel to the space, it's lovely just to be there, despite the admiring hordes.
Naturally I had an audio tour as I'm an audio tour kind of gal but there was really very good introductions to each area, as well as printed descriptions of each object. Some objects also had short videos displayed nearby introducing the objects by staff of the British Museum. All very informative.
I tend to think of blue and white porcelain as Delftware, but this is a Chinese plate, and the cobalt blue used was imported from the Middle East, possibly Iran, so apparently the Chinese call it Muslim Blue. Which makes sense when you think of all the old mosques decorated so beautifully with blue and white tiles.
Chinese blue and white dish 1330-1350 CE Jingdezhen, Jiangxi provence, China |
I really liked Dürer's Rhinoceros too- beautifully done, and all the more amazing because naturally he'd never seen a Rhinoceros in 16th century Germany. There was a very cool hologram Rhinoceros nearby.
Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros 1515 CE Nuremberg, Germany |
North American Frock Coat 1800-1900 CE Canada Painted moose skin, porcupine quills and otter hair |
War Shields 1990-2000 CE Wahgi Valley, Papua New Guinea Painted wood, metal, rubber, fibre |
Outside the exhibition is a wonderful tactile table where you can touch replicas of some objects. There were also Braille descriptions of the objects next to the English.
We nearly missed this, make sure to search it out.
National Museum of Australia
$20 adults/ $15 concession / $8 child / $45 family / $60 season pass
September 9 2016 until January 29 2017
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