Monday 2 February 2015

Art Kitchen Studio

As you may know by now, I love Paris. And I love dining out in Paris. It so rarely disappoints. Whether you eat at a neighbourhood cafe, or a high end restaurant that you have to book online months before you leave Australia.

One fabulous restaurant we found last trip (by virtue of the fact that our flat was directly across the rue), was the very incredible Art Kitchen Studio. A rather tiny restaurant tucked away in the lovely Rue Du Tresor in the 4th, it's a gem, and well worth seeking out. Chef Virginie Guitard was a semi-finalist of Season 1 of French Masterchef.

The light wasn't great (outside at night), but you get the idea. 

Terrine de veau et sauce vierge au citron vert
Veal terrine with lime sauce vierge

Ouef parfait façon carbonara
Egg parfait, carbonara style

Cotes d'agneau roties, echalotes confites et salade d'herbes
Roast lamb, confit eschalots with herb salad
Amazing. Shallots exceptional. 

Filet mignon au caramel de pain d'epices, puree de navet
Filet mignon with caramel spice bread and turnip puree
I was unsure when my dining companion ordered the filet mignon, it sounded a very odd combination. What neither of us knew then was that filet mignon in France is pork, not beef. Problem solved. It  now sounded totally delicious- and it was.

Creme citron choco blanc et ananas au basilic
Lemon, white chocolate and pineapple with basil
Sensational! One of the best desserts of the trip. 

Mures et Granny Smith en compotee, mousse de lait de riz et citronella
Blackberry and Granny Smith compote, rice milk and lemongrass mousse

And all for a fixed price/formule 34 euros. Total Bargain. 

Virginie Guitard
Art Kitchen Studio
5, rue du Tresor 75004
Thursday, Friday, Saturday- lunch and dinner without reservation
07 85 05 78 11

Dreaming of France is a wonderful Monday meme
from Paulita at An Accidental Blog 


Paulita said...

Louise, I'm putting this on my list. Less than 40 days until I go! So thrilled.
Since we'll only be in Paris for a few days, a hotel was cheaper. And since we included it with our airfare, it was actually less than simply buying plane tickets separately. That was like getting our hotel free!
Even in Aix en Provence, the price of the hotel was cheaper than renting an apartment. Plus, in Aix, most places chareged a 60 Euro cleaning fee at the end. At a hotel, I get the daily maid service without the cleaning charge at the end. Six nights for around 470 Euros.
If I went for a month or so, I'm sure the apartment would be less expensive. Thanks for the tip.

Louise said...

Just check it's still open Paulita. The website is still active, but there weren't any new reviews on trip advisor. I certainly hope it is. It was amazing, and incredible value.

Unknown said...

I'm adding it to my Wishlist too as I plan my next trip to Paris in September.

Phoebe | Lou Messugo said...

You're making me hungry! That certainly is a bargain, which isn't always the case in France nowadays.