Saturday 21 March 2015


I know some people get freaked out by moths. Thankfully I'm not one of those people.

Moths are hard to photograph.

But they're rather extraordinary when you get up close.

I'm not sure that they even have a face. 

But they have an amazing symmetry.

And such a beauty in the details. 

There really is beauty everywhere if you look.
It's one of the reasons I like taking photos. 

Saturday Snapshot is a wonderful weekly meme
 now hosted by 


Brona said...

One of the advantages of taking photos of moths, of course, is that they rest with the wings down so you can see their beautiful patterns.
Great close up of the 'face' by the way :-)

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Agree. Thank you, Louise.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

They are cool to look at!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

They are cool to look at!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Your close-up photos are amazing! Such intricate patterns. Even if moths aren't as colorful as butterflies, they're still beautiful.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment.

Susan Lindquist said...

I love the antennae on moths ... so feathery!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I am one of those people creeped out by moths...LOL. But I love photos of them! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

westmetromommy said...

I"m actually not freaked out by moths (many other insects and all arachnids yes, but not moths), yet I had never really seen one up close. Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

neat closeups :)

Anonymous said...

While I'm not one who'd freak out when seeing a moth, but I admit I love the butterfly more. You have some great shots here.

Indrani said...

Well taken from all angles. Such a beautiful design on the wings.

Anonymous said...

Moths do get a bad rap when compared to butterflies. What interesting photos you have here. You're right, there's beauty everywhere.