Saturday 24 November 2012

Salamanca Markets

This time last week I was lucky enough to be wandering around Hobart's fabulous Salamanca Markets. Possibly the most famous markets in Australia. Certainly one of the most colourful and entertaining. I don't think I'd ever been before.

Every Saturday from 8am to 3pm an otherwise quiet city street is transformed, from this:

To this:

There are plenty of colourful flowers, of the real

and not so real kinds

 Colourful food

Intriguing fruit leathers, I bought some home but haven't got to sampling yet

Colourful handmade goods

Colourful, and good, buskers

 And a whole range of colourful characters, and causes. The most hippies I've seen in decades I think.

Not a hippie, just young and hip
Proving that Hobart is a small town,
we both dined in the same Chinese restaurant the next night!

Tasmania has a prominent social conscience
There were stalls from many major charities-
including The Wilderness Society, Amnesty International, and the Socialists
Not something you see on the mainland, not at a market so much as a protest day

I never did get to see what this guy did.
Another reason to go back. 

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Shari Green said...

Great collection of photos! Really gives me a feel for that market. (Love the buskers, and the hippie pants, and that t-shirt!)

Paulita said...

What a fabulous market. Great food and great photos. Here's Mine

Eugenia O'Neal said...

I love markets! The bigger and the more wide-ranging the stuff on offer, the better. Great shots!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I love markets! Yours is very colorful and I feel as though I'm there.

We have a Farmer's Market, with music, in a neighborhood mall on Tuesdays...not the same, though. But it does feel good to sit outside on a patio chair and imbibe in the feeling.


BooksPlease said...

That looks such a vibrant, alive market. Great photos.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

That looks so fun. I wonder what the guy does too.....

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm always happy when you go somewhere intriguing and share it with us. Love all the color. Please go back soon and share some more.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful transformation! Beautiful photos. Just love the colours of the flowers. The last one's a great photo ... looks like the guy is packing up his musical instrument, or maybe starting up a street performance?

Book Savvy Babe said...

that is quite a transformation! The flowers are beautiful though, great shots-- Book Savvy Babe

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I enjoy the outdoor markets and everything that goes with them. I miss being able to shop at them during the (some would say brutal) winter months. Part of the fun when traveling is finding a market and mixing with the locals.

bermudaonion said...

I adore markets like that! So vibrant!

Unknown said...

That market looks just amazing such vibrance in all the different colours and that even follows through to the peoples clothes. Great :D

Christine Harding said...

Oh, how fabulous and colourful. I love the tea cosies. I was going to post pictures of the German Market in Birmingham, which is incredible, but I've done photos of the floods instead. My Snapshot is at

grammajudyb said...

What fun to stroll through such a varied marketplace. Too cold for that here in Wyoming USA. I love the multi colored poppies??? At least I think that is what they are. Here is my Snapshot Saturday post for today

Nupur said...

I really enjoyed this colorful post! Street markets have so much personality. And I adore those tea cozies :)

Alyce said...

That looks like fun! We have a lot of hippies here in Oregon.

Ginx Craft said...

Lovely photos. I like looking at the crafty stuff, and am confused by fruit leathers. Can you eat them??

Louise said...

Thanks everyone.

Deb- I'm not sure when I'll get back to Hobart next (it's been 30 years since my last visit, hopefully I'll make it back before 30 years have gone again), but I do have heaps more Hobart photos to share. So watch out.

Ginx the fruit leathers certainly are for eating. It's mashed up fruit which is then dehydrated. Quite delicious, very popular with kids too.

Brona said...

You do get around Louise - I'm impressed. The markets look very vibrant :-)

Marg said...

I'm not sure when I will get back to Hobart but I did enjoy the time I spent there, including at Salamanca Markets.

Swan Pond said...

That area on Friday evening after work is pretty happening also. Tassie is really great. Did you get to MONA?

Louise said...

Brona- I do try to get around- more to come soon....

I'm not sure when I'll get back to Hobart either Marg, but it was great

Megan- I did get to MONA- will get to writing a post about it sometime. I have quite a few Tassie posts planned.