Saturday 11 August 2012

Whale Watching, this time with whales, well, a whale

Last week I posted about our recent whale watching expedition which sadly came up blank on the whale front. Happily the company gives you a free trip if you don't see any whales. Thank you Nova Cruises. So a few days later my son and I piled back onto the boat. 

 It was a bit of a slow start and I worried that the sea birds might be our only visitors again.

Australasian Gannet (Morus serrator)
It took a while but we did find a whale! The excitement level rises when you realise that it really is a whale. Not just a figment of your rather hopeful and slightly overactive imagination.

Apparently a juvenile humpback, so probably only 15-20 tonnes. We were very lucky and he put on quite a show with all of his whale tricks.

Tail slapping



It was such an amazing experience. I so enjoyed our 6 hours out on the water. I can't wait to go again. 

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


DCMetroreader said...

Amazing photos! It sounds like the cruise was well worth it to see a whale up close like that.

Brona said...

I'm so happy for you that your second outing was successful. And that you got photos, not only of whales, but a seagull to fit in with Alyce's theme at Saturday Snapshot - a big tick for you this week :-)

Unknown said...

Awesome! You got to see one this time, and great snaps of it too.

Melissa O. said...

Amazing pictures! I would love to go whale watching sometime. You captured some great shots!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Amazing action shots - thanks for sharing.

Paulita said...

I'm so jealous. I've never seen whales in real life. Here's Mine

Barbara said...

What a wonderful experience and you csaptured it well in your photos!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great shots! Whale watching is especially fun when a whale makes an appearance. Thanks for sharing.


gautami tripathy said...

Amazing photos. You captured well...

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

JoAnn said...

Amazing photos! Whale watches are definitely better if you get to see a whale ;-)

Kailana said...

I am glad this visit worked out better. Great pictures!

grammajudyb said...

Great photos! Whale watching in on my bucket list. Living in land locked Wyoming, it will definely have to be a planned adventure.

Alyce said...

That is so awesome! It looks like he was quite enjoying having an audience there.

edgar said...

The whale captures everyone's attention. Your photos give me some feeling of elation and a little share of your wonderful experience.

Anonymous said...

You captured some nice shots. Did your camera stay dry?

Once, on a trip to Cape Breton Island, not far from Cabot Landing, my husband and I watched a pod of whales playing in the ocean. We wished we had our binoculars that time. We didn't go out on a whale watching expedition, but that was almost as good.

Susan said...

Great pictures! We went whale watching once off the coast of California. We were fortunate enough to see several whales, but unfortunately my husband felt seasick the whole time.

Staci said...

What a cool company to offer another free cruise and this time...success!! Loved those photos!!

Irene said...

What a wonderful adventure.

Lmkazmierczak said...

That's fantastic (fintastic?) Glad you had a great outing♫♪

Virginia said...

For many many years I taught my third graders about the whales. I"ve always wanted to see them for myself. Maybe one day... but your photos are a good substitute!

Cipriano said...

These are such great shots, and you are reminding me of the one time I went whale-watching -- off the coast of Victoria, B.C.
And we DID see killer whales, it was so incredible.
We got SOAKED, too. Even though we had these..... suits on, supplied by the tour company, we were SOAKED on the way out and the way back in. It was such fun.
And the other pics, of empty ocean and the bird... just tonight I am reading the true story of Louis Zamperini, stranded on the Pacific for a month and a half..... CRAZY story, and he had to kill albatrosses that would sit on his head out on the life raft, to survive.
If you have not read this book called Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, I highly recommend it. It is truly wilder than any fiction.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Yaaaay, you got to see a whale. What a great experience.

One of these days I'm going to get out on the ocean and try to see them again. Unfortunately I live in the middle of the continent so I don't get many opportunities.

Christine Harding said...

Oh, how wonderful is that! You arew so luckt to see a whale. Been away from a week, so I'm catching up. My Saturday Snapshot is at