Saturday 26 May 2012

Adelaide by night

This time last week I was in Adelaide soaking up the atmosphere at the Children's Book Council of Australia 2012 Conference. It was grand. Also grand was being back in Adelaide. I hadn't been there since the 1980s! I didn't have much free time, but did enjoy my all too brief visit.

I arrived after dark one evening, so went out for a stroll to sort out where I was and where I would be going the next day for the conference. I was staying on North Terrace so walked about there for an hour or so. It's one of the major streets in the city, lots of old buildings (old for Australia) and universities, the State Library and Art Gallery, Parliament, the Convention Centre. All in easy walking distance.

I know this is next one is out of focus but I think it looks cool. The purple building changed colour.

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Hannah said...

Oh, I wish I'd seen this side of Adelaide! When I was there for work last year, most nights ended with me collapsing exhausted in the hotel room. Though I did make it to that dessert cafe, at least...

Louise said...

I did find a nice walk, but sadly I didn't find any dessert cafes! Or any cafe actually.

Cathy said...

A really enjoyable series of photos. Thanks for sharing!

Christine Harding said...

The pictures are beautiful. I love to find out about far-off places.

Paulita said...

It seems like you captured some great parts of Adelaide. A city I'll probably never see except in photos. Here's Mine

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I have been really yearning to visit Australia, and you've shown some tempting shots! Thanks!

I especially love the detail on the buildings....


Kaye said...

Oh, wow! Those are fantastic shots. I love the window - how cool is that! Thanks for sharing. I've never been to Australia so it's nice to see a little bit of it in photos.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

What beautiful pics. Australia would be an experience!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I enjoyed seeing these -- a place i will probably never visit:(

JoAnn said...

It feels like I've just had a virtual tour of Adelaide... hpe I can visit one day!

Susan Lindquist said...

You captured such interesting images! You have a great eye for color, light, and shadows ...

bermudaonion said...

Just beautiful! I would love to visit there one day.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Nice. That last one is striking. I wish I would have had time to get to Adelaide when I visited Aus, but there were just too many wonderful places to see.

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Love the lady with the books...I feel like her some days :)

Alyce said...

Those are all fantastic, but my favorites are the ones with the stairs and the columns.

edgar said...

Very sad eyes and very nice lighted columns.
Cheri and I anjoyed our stay in Adelaide 9 years ago.
We walked a lot to see the town.

stacybuckeye said...

You have a wonderful eye. The photos are beautiful.

Lisa said...

Those are wonderful! So many great angles and details.

My Snapshot

Anonymous said...

Great images! That second one is creeeeepy. Love the archways!

Anonymous said...

Great images! That second one is creeeeepy. Love the archways!

Eva said...

Thanks for sharing these images from a city I've yet to visit.

Bev Hankins said...

Lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing--especially since it's unlikely that I'll ever make it to Adelaide.

Here's my Snapshot.

ZaraAlexis said...

These photos are wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the blurry street and the last photo of the columns and the leaves. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love Adelaide ... we were last there in about 2006 or 2007 (and I think before that it was probably the 1980s for me too, though we had been to other parts of SA in around 2000). Stayed on North Terrace as well, went to an event in the Botanic Gardens and then spent the weekend in McLaren Vale. Great city.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I think that a night tour is quite revealing and shows a different side of a city... the window is amazing.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oh my! Someone made a statue of me and I didn't even know it! (Yes, that's me, with the books propping up my life.)