Sunday 20 May 2012

CBCA 2012

I was very privileged to attend the Children's Book Council of Australia 2012 Conference in Adelaide this week. It was such an amazing experience. I hadn't been to Adelaide since the 80s, and I can't say I remember all that much, so it was nice to get back.

I really wasn't sure what to expect of the conference, or who would attend. Most of the 400 attendees were librarians or teachers, booksellers, authors and illustrators. Quite a female crowd, although there were a respectable number of men too. I didn't get to meet any other interested parties like me but I hope they were there too.

For me it was very much like a two day intensive writers festival. Normally at writers festivals, I have brunch, go to a session or two, lounge around a bit, then need to go out for a drink before dinner. Here we had two full on days, the second of which started at a 7.30 breakfast function. It was a cracking pace. Half way through the second day my brain was becoming quite full, but like a trooper I stuck it out to the end. Every session was enjoyable in it's own way, and I got many unexpected insights, and learned so many things.

I got to see authors who were familiar, some very big names, and authors who I had never heard of before, but probably should have and am now desperate to read. Yes, the TBR just got even bigger.

Some highlights:

Oliver Jeffers, the Johnny Depp of picture books. He mumbled a bit but all the ladies swooned at his Irish brogue anyway.

His tour blog

Eoin Colfer.  Such a funny, funny man. Yes he's kissed the blarney stone, but we all loved his delightful Irish brogue too. It was more a comedy performance than an authorly talk. Fabulous. I'm glad he had to finish when he did as I was about to slide under the chair in front due to overwhelming, fulminant mirth.

Davide Cali. An intriguing, clever, talented Swiss picture book writer, newly translated into English. 

Isobelle Carmody. Articulate, intellectual, amazing.

The glorious black swans of the Torrens

The lovely ladies from Tasmania.

There will be more about all of them.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

More, more, more!

Yellow Brick Reads said...

That looks like a great line up Louise! I love Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series but have never heard him speak publicly (in spite of the fact that we're both Irish). Looks like you had some fun

Louise said...

There will be more Deb but have been a bit distracted.

I had heaps of fun Maeve! It was fantastic, and this is just the cream at the top