Saturday 31 March 2012

My Big Fat Book Haul

Last weekend I went to a used book fair, an annual event in my small town. I'd never been before. But I'll certainly be going back! I found so many books that will be part of my 1001 Childrens Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up quest. I staggered out under the weight of the bulging shopping bag. My son was well bored, but that's a small price to pay. For months? Or years? of reading.

31 books for 1001! And I only had one of them already. Not bad.

And then another 10 random books, mainly books that I'd never heard of, but couldn't leave there. Somehow I've decided that I will like Paula Fox, before I've read any of her books. I read a review of her biography a few years ago. I have that sitting in the TBR, and one or two others of hers. And now three more....

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

What great finds. I am addicted to used book fairs and always come home with a huge stack of books.

Cipriano said...

Ahhh -- there are few things that invigorate the soul more than a terrific book-haul at a well-stocked sale.
For about ten years now I have taken a day off from work to attend my own favorite used booksale in my city. Often there are local news shows there, filming the event and I spend half my time trying to hide from the camera so my boss doesn't happen to see me on TV while he's eating supper that evening. After all, I'm supposed to be SICK.
These are some interesting stacks you nabbed here.
And I see by your Currently Reading sidebar that you've already dug into one of them!
May the sickness [of loving books] never find its moment of healing!

Cathy said...

I never tire of photos of book piles! :-)

Trish said...

Aren't used book sales great!? It looks like you got yourself a god selection of kids books to be going on with.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

You certainly did well at this sale. enjoy your huge new stacks.

Kaye said...

Wow! Some spectacular finds. Book sales are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

What a nice haul of books! I love it when I can find so many.

Mary R. said...

Looks like a great haul! Penelope Lively is an author whose work I keep adding to my to-read-list but haven't gotten to yet. I'll be interested to hear what you think of that one.

Staci said...

I love library sales and what a great way to add to your collection!

Susan Lindquist said...

Being a retired teacher, I have just been weeding out my classroom library collection of books ... it's such a wrench to give them up, but they will be better used by other children, home-schoolers, church groups, and young teachers who need to build their rooms' reading shelves ... you got some good things at that book sale! Feels like finding treasure, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like some wonderful treasure there! I love Homecoming, Hatchet, and The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Can you see from there how jealous I am? Most of these books are not even available in the US!

Anonymous said...

Would like to have all your books. Haven't read Zindel's Pigman.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wonderful treasures! Love a good book event, especially when you can take a whole lot of them home! Enjoy....


Peppermint Ph.D. said...

You definitely found some good ones! It's Like This, Cat was one of my favorites as a middle schooler :)

Alyce said...

Book sales like that are so much fun! Congrats on all of your finds!

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Like the rest of you, I can never pass up a book fair. Looks like you came away with a great haul.

Eva said...

Book sales are dangerous. That's a lot of books to carry, and a lot of hours of reading. Have fun :-)

Sim Carter said...

I've never heard of Paul Zindel but now I see he not only wrote THE PIGMAN... he also wrote THE PIGMAN'S LEGACY.

bermudaonion said...

Wow! I loved The Pigman as a kid and didn't realize Zindel wrote The Pigman's Legacy - I assume it's a sequel.

Louise said...

Sorry I can't manage to set up to do individual replies. It's interesting to me that several of you have heard of, or read The Pigman- and it's encouraging that you liked it. I figured there would be a few book sale fans out there.

@Cipriano- I just love it that you take sickies for a book sale. It makes me disappointed that I just went to this one on a Saturday. That it didn't require any subterfuge. Although I live in quite a small town. I would have been sprung anyway....

@Mary. I know that I've read some Penelope Lively (but not for some time), this one appeals.

@Peppermint- I'd never heard of It's Like This, Cat but was intrigued by the Newbery sticker on it. I know that I will get sidetracked into reading all the Newbery winners at some stage.

@Debbie. I thought of you of course, and knew how jealous you would be, and how much you would have loved it too.

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful haul!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful haul!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Pooch said...

That's quite a haul! The best thing about library sales is that there are always more to buy!!


MedicatedMoo said...

Oooh I can see you've got 'The Big Twitch' by Sean Dooley - he's a terrifically funny Aussie writer. My father and I love him.

Louise said...

I was excited to find The Big Twitch Kath. After all I am a trainee mild-level twitcher. Great to hear that he's entertaining and funny.