Saturday 3 March 2012

As we must appear to the hawk #3

The second stage of my flight from Tasmania to Sydney last September. I had to take two flights, the first from Launceston- Melbourne. And this one from Melbourne to Sydney. 

Taking off from Melbourne

Textures of Australia

Looking south down the New South Wales coast

The mighty Pacific

Familiar Sydney coastline- Kurnell

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I'm always amazed at how nice your photos from the plane look. Especially that last one of the coastline. Mine always get window and wing in them!

Cipriano said...

Really beautiful photos.
Are you sure though [the second photo] that in that particular leg of the journey the pilot didn't somehow fly directly over the moon?
Such diverse landscape!

MedicatedMoo said...

These are brilliant photos from the plane, Louise - mine tend to be blurry or focus on the smears of the window instead of what's outside!

BooksPlease said...

I love views from planes and these are really good.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Those are really good shots from the air.

Staci said...

Those are so cool!! I love the photos taken out the windows during flights!!

Christine Rains said...

What awesome photos! I've only flown a few times in my life, but I love looking out the windows.

Anonymous said...

Excellent photos from the air. I especially like the first one of the landscape, the second one of textures and the last of the coastline.

Kaye said...

Those photos are just lovely. I really like the first one, it's as if you can see for hundreds of miles.

Susan Lindquist said...

This is perhaps the ONLY flight I will evertake over the Australian landscape ... thanks for the armchair tour!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I love the textures! Great shots...and when, in flight, I gaze down at the "birds eye" view of things, I can almost forget my fear of flying! lol

Thanks for sharing.


Paulita said...

Good photos from an airplane window -- that's unheard of. You must have a good camera. Thanks for sharing the topography of Australia. Here's Mine

bermudaonion said...

I'm petrified of heights yet love looking out airplane windows. Go figure. Great shots!

Lisa said...

Great shots - I never get good pictures out of airplane windows.

Alyce said...

Those are gorgeous! It really makes me wish I had the guts to brave the frowny looks and chastisement from the flight attendants in order to get some air photos. :)

Debbie Rodgers said...

I've never seen (and likely never will see) Australia from the air, so am fascinated by these.

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous photos...I love the one looking down the New South Wales Coast and the Sidney coast-line Kurnell. It's amazing that these photos are from a plane!

Margot said...

This is probably as close as I'm going to get to Australia. The top shot looks like the American midwest that I am so familiar with.

Eva said...

I visited Australia a long time ago. Your pictures makes me really eager to got there again.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Australia is on my travel bucket list. Maybe someday. Great pics!

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful photos! Gotta visit!!

Here is my Saturday

Muzette said...

How beautiful! Thanks for sharing them!

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

Great photos! I hope to get to Australia soon so I can see this beautiful landscape with my own eyes!