Tuesday 17 January 2012

Old Newspapers #1

I'm a dreadful one for leaving unread or partly read papers in an ever increasing stack. I always mean to read them on the day, but somehow never get the time. Whenever I get the chance to sit down to read some, like I did this morning, I'm always rewarded by finding some fabulous articles of interest on a wide variety of topics. Here's what caught my eye today.

An inspirational article about 98 year old Jim Henry from Mystic, Connecticut. Jim had to stop schooling when he was in the third grade. He worked as a lobsterman, and then took up reading in his late 90s! Jim didn't admit his illiteracy until he was 92, and then began to learn to read and write when he was 96. Jim has since authored a book called In a Fisherman's Language.

More astonishingly I found a suggestion for Christmas presents (I did say they were old papers). The one I was particularly taken with was this one. 

Shooting modes including food and sweets! Does this mean sweets aren't food? Why would they need a different setting? Now, I got a new camera for Christmas. A snazzy Fuji X10. Does it have a food or sweets setting? I hadn't checked! 

Oh Man. I was totally ripped off. My new camera doesn't have a food OR a sweets setting. Although it does manage to take mighty fine photos in dimly lit restaurants. I just happen to know. 


Kath Lockett said...

Wow, that is a specialised camera.

I don't have food, but a 'tulip' that is supposedly meant to represent close ups of, well, food and sweets I guess.

And instead of a running man icon that used to represent 'action', my new camera has a tiny symbol of a child and dog as their new way of saying 'for unpredictable things that move when you don't want them to.'

Louise said...

I think they've noticed those of us who might photograph chocolate or food or sweets and put the photos up on facebook! My old one had the macro (tulip) setting but it never really worked properly. The new macro is astonishing, it even has super macro. I discovered the sports setting when trying to capture my toddler nephews- I kept getting patches of grass with no kid because the camera was too slow and they'd moved on long before it took an image.