Saturday 15 September 2012

As we must appear to the hawk #5

I always like peering out of a plane window. Now you can peer out with me. This is a recent flight from Sydney to Melbourne. 

Taking off over Sydney is always wonderful

The biggest beach is Bondi

Australian Alps is a bit of a grand term
but still, there is snow

And ski resorts

It took me a while to work out what was wrong in this next image. Large areas just looked dead. Then I realised it was land affected by the terrible fires on Saturday February 7 2009 (I'm pretty sure that's what it is anyway). A day that became known as the Black Saturday fires. 173 people died that day. 

It was sobering to see it still look so awful

Melbourne, a bit hazy
and I suspect I inadvertently had manual focus on

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Cipriano said...
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Cipriano said...


I want to live there when I grow up!
I became enamoured with Australia first from reading Bill Bryson's In A Sunburned Country, and then fell fully in love watching the Olympics when they were held there.
Such a beautiful country.
Thanks for the pics.

Christine Harding said...

What lovely clear photos - the first one of the Australian Alps with the snow on top looks almost like clouds floating in blue... ertical symetry

Christine Harding said...

Not sure what I did there... should say My Snapshot is at

Paulita said...

Thanks for the journey. I didn't even know Australia had its own alps, but I've never visited so am woefully ignorant. Maybe some day. Here's Mine

bermudaonion said...

It is fun to peer out a plane window, isn't it?

BooksPlease said...

I didn't know about the Australian Alps either. Lovely photos. Mine's here.

Trish said...

What wonderful photos! Whenever I fly I always try to get a window seat because I just can't take my eyes off the scenery.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Looking below from a plane helps distract me from my fear of flying...and gives me perspective.

Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Alps in Australia? Wow, I wasn't aware of that. Great photos.

Susan Lindquist said...

Great photos! Australia is one of the places that is on my 'bucket list' ... would love to spend a whole season just exploring the whole country and the oceans around it! Lucky duck!

grammajudyb said...

I'm with Susan. Australia is on my "want to visit" places list. I too was unaware of Australian Alps. Who knew??

srivalli said...

Stunning pictures! Thanks for a tour from this great tour from the eagle's eyes!

Bev Hankins said...

I love looking out of plane windows too. The view of the ski resort is wonderful.

Here's my Snapshot.

Book of Secrets said...

Those are amazing shots. I've never seen the Australian Alps before!
My Saturday Snapshot

Alyce said...

Those are gorgeous photos! I've never been able to get any that good out of a plane window (but that could be because the wing is always in the way). :) I like the city views the best.

Susan said...

Amazing photos. Views like that make a plane ride worthwhile.

Sim Carter said...

I made a brief visit to Sydney 15 years ago and fell in love with the place. We were only there a couple of days (en route to Perth) and never made it to Bondi Beach. I would dearly love to come back one day.

DCMetroreader said...

Beautiful photos of a gorgeous continent! It is impressive that you were able to get these from a plane. I didn't know that Australia had alps.

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots through a plane window! They are so clear and fascinating. I've never been to Australia. Thanks for sharing these, now I know what to be expected if I do go there, before landing, that is. ;)

Irene said...

I too, have never been to Australia. Not sure I'll ever get there, so thank you so much for letting me in on the wonderful view.

Ginx Craft said...

Great photos, particularly of the snow covered mountains.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I personally think that Sydney has the better views from above (can't believe, as a Melbournian, that I'm saying that!), the beaches are just so pretty!

edgar said...

The photos remind me of our visit in Australia 9 years ago. We visited many places and enjoyed our stay.

Joy said...

I didn't know there were "Alps" in Australia. I remember the news stories about the fire, though.

Great photos -- thanks!

Joy's Book Blog

Sharon Galligar Chance said...

Spectacular shots! I didn't realize that Australia got so much snow!

Here's the link to my photo today - stop by if you have time!

Lisa said...

Taking photos from a plane is always tough. What a great trip!

My Snapshot

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

You always get such nice views from the plane window.

That was so horrible when those fires burned out-of-control. I spent a few days in Marysville in 2005 and loved the area. I heard that most of the town burned. I hope someday the area can recover.

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Wow... as the hawk sees! I love it! I've never seen Australia like that (or like anything, I guess). It looks amazing. How sobering to see how the fire's devastation is still evident. How very big that area is!!

I see you're reading Watership Down?!?! I so seriously love that book!!!!!