Why is it so fun to see your own name up in lights? Or on cushions?
This prompted a squeal, and stopping in ones tracks down rue du Bac.
You just know that there is one of these in Australia now don't you?
Louise is the makers' daughter, so used for the display pillows.
It had to be. And so it was. |
Obviously I had to stop and have a glace here. |
Saturday Snapshot is a wonderful weekly meme now hosted by WestMetroMommy
My daughter Martine loved seeing key-rings with her name when she was in Paris. She says it never happens in Australia
What fun!
I've traveled the world and never seen my name in print - not even in Wales - the home of my name!
That is so much fun!! I never see my name anywhere. Have a great day...what was your name again...Louise!!
This is an interesting post... seeing your name in a distant land. Great finds! ;)
How fun. I was having this conversation with another attorney yesterday how as a child and even now I have never seen my name on anything.
When I was getting my citizenship I told immigration should they ever see anything with my name go ahead and buy it...should they ever have another person with my name you could give them my name---alas no phone call or mug yet.
You can be sure I have never seen my name on a pillow or a store front. I'm sure that it is fun. I'm posting for Saturday Snapshot, but I'll be back for Dreaming of France! Here's Mine
It is fun to see you name on mugs, or pillows or a storefront. My name is not so different, but I don't see it much. It is kind of old-fashioned I think. My granddaughters all the very different names, so any thing personalized must be special ordered or handmade. OH! Birthday ideas!!! :)
Thats fun! Love the different pic with your name!
Very fun. I do the same thing if I see my name or variations of it on signs.
Like many others commenting here, Tamara is not coming on those items either but my hubby was delighted to see my name in lights in Paris - or was he more delighted that it was a parisian underwear specialist? of course, I won - and got a special gift from that store :)
Louise, Thanks for playing along today. I still love your Louise post. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme
You picked the perfect name!
Carol..has far less usage around town.
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