Saturday 11 February 2012

Spotted Pardalote

It's quite frustrating to take up bird watching just as your eyesight fails and you can't really see anything much! Small birds are especially difficult. And there are so many different small birds once you start looking.... Often I don't work out what I've actually seen til I get home and have a look at the pictures! This was a Spotted Pardalote that I saw a few months ago in my local Botanic Gardens.

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Cipriano said...

Such an interesting looking bird -- like some sort of perfect blend of industry and mischief. Somehow I see those traits, there.
As for the last photo, it reminds me. Once upon a time, I was also able to do this. Back when I was working out a lot.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Such a cute little bird. Reminds me a bit of our warblers.

I know what you mean about the eyesight! I am often seen with binoculars on one shoulder and my camera on the other.

BooksPlease said...

It's lovely seeing birds that we never get here and this one is so pretty.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I've never seen one like that -- very beautiful.

Kaye said...

Wow, he is a cutie! I love the stripe on the head. Wonderful capture!

Anonymous said...

Quite a small bird. I'd never heard of this kind. Thanks for sharing.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Gorgeous! And I love the soft blurring in the background that sets off he sharp clarity of the bird.

Thanks for sharing.


Eva said...

That is a cute little bird, and I'm amazed at how good photos you got of it. Every time I try to photographe a bird it flies away. ;-)

Trish said...

Very sweet. And look at that vivd yellow throat!

Irene said...

You sure do post some wonderful creatures. Thanks .

bermudaonion said...

He's gorgeous and looks so curious. Great photos!

Jackie McGuinness said...

I just hopped over from Saturday Snapshot and am now your newest follower.
Here's my snapshot:

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I really enjoy watching birds. Great pics ;)

Kath Lockett said...

You can see the spots best in your second photo but I also love the stripe across his face - he's wearing those ultra-thin eighties shades!

Alyce said...

I have a tendency to think that all birds with black and white head stripes are chickadees. :) I took a photo of what I thought was one the other day from far away and when I looked at it on the computer I realized it was just a sparrow. I definitely need some practice with id'ing the birds!

Your photos are fantastic!

Lisa said...

Those are beautiful pictures! Very cooperative subjects, too.

Saturday Snapshot

Hannah said...

Oh! This brings back my memories of being a pre-teen and sitting still for hours with birdseed in my hands at Mandeni, waiting for the birds to trust me and come and eat from my hand :) It's such a gorgeous little thing!

Christine Rains said...

Gorgeous photos! They seem so full of expression for birds.