Saturday 17 September 2011

Gucci Bike

I did a double take when I saw this in the Gucci window in George St, Sydney earlier in the year. Not that I peer into Gucci shop windows all that often. But I was surprised to see a bike. A beautiful bike of course, with fancy detailing.

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books.


Stephen said...

Heh, that's a bike probably worth more than most cars!

Satia said...

Loving that bicycle bag although I typically loathe labels. I would make an exception this time simply because it's a great looking bag.

Raine said...

Never thought there was one. Wow. The bag's very nice.

Anonymous said...

That is a great bike. I want one!

Trish said...

That bike is gorgeous! I would have to dress up to use it, though.

Jill Buck said...

I think I'd be afraid to ride it if I payed as much as it probably costs!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bike. Need to look at it again, well crafted.

Paulita said...

I don't think I'd want to spend a lot of money on a Gucci bike. I'd think they just put money into how it looks rather than how it performs.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Too funny. I'm sure it would disappear quickly, even if locked in most large cities...LOL

Christine Rains said...

Neat picture! I'm not even going to guess how much that costs. *LOL*

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

Cool bike. I would love to have some bags like that on my bike! I ride my bike to get the mail and it is always a juggling act trying to get the mail home.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Fabulous! I do love looking in windows, and you're's not everyday you would see a gorgeous bike.

Thanks for sharing...great closeup on the detailing.


Sherrie said...

Very nice, love the leather details. It's a little out of my budget. Have a great day!

Just Books

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

That would have caught my eye too. I've never seen a Gucci Bike before. I'd be afraid to park it anywhere and leave it for even a second.

gautami tripathy said...
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gautami tripathy said...

WOW! What a bike!!!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Lisa said...

That's gorgeous! Perfect for riding to work, I bet.

My Saturday Snapshots

Alyce said...

I love the detail work on the handle bars. It reminds me of those motorcycles that people have specially made (like on the choppers show).

Bev Hankins said...

Wow. Fine looking bike, but I'd hate to see the price tag on it.

Here's my Snapshot:

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

That is awesome.... I probably would not trade it for my road back, I am pretty hard on it....

Pooch said...

Now there's something everybody needs! The bell is a nice touch.

Kath Lockett said...

Could you imagine how long that bike would last in a bike rack???

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Very old-school, isn't it?

bermudaonion said...

Wow, I can only imagine who much that costs.