Wednesday 6 July 2011

Random Reason I Love Paris #1


bermudaonion said...

I love Paris too!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Ah, miam-miam! Got cheese?


Louise said...

Kathy, I love Paris so much, I can't imagine not loving Paris. I was shocked talking to a colleague at work yesterday, who said that Paris was the least favourite place she went to on her European trip. What? Unbelievable!

Ah, Genie, there was always cheese in the fridge. Usually my favourite goat cheeses, but we tried a few new ones in the two weeks we were there. I really love that they've designed the fridge to fit the champagne. That is so sensible.

Sara said...

Finding new blogs is one reason I love Paris in July! Thanks for sharing your photos and fun. I'm looking forward to a fun month.