Saturday 4 April 2015

Horseshoe Beach

Recently I had a great weekend in Newcastle at the Newcastle Writers Festival. It was a wonderful festival but after being cooped up inside all weekend I was keen to get some sea air so went for a walk out along the breakwall at Nobby's. It was a perfect way to end my weekend.

On the way out you walk past Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle's only leash free beach for dogs.

They just love it.

It was fun to watch the dogs gambolling in the late afternoon sun. Although the beach did smell rather strongly of dog poo at times. A couple of times I thought some of the dogs were getting a bit out of control, but there was no aggression, just dogs having fun. 

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Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Fun. I love the dog photos.

Unknown said...

those dogs sure are loving it :)

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Great photos. You really captured the dogs' exuberance. Looks like a fun place.

Ginx Craft said...

Those dogs are really having a lot of fun.

Sean @ His And Her Hobbies said...

Newcastle has some wonderful beaches as you have shown. I didn't know they had a leash free beach there.

Sean at His and Her Hobbies

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wonderful shots! I love beaches...and those dogs sure look happy.

Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

grammajudyb said...

Even the dogs need a day at the beach occasionally!

Harvee said...

Wonderful day for the dogs and the owners too!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I can see that coming here to the US. Dogs are big.