Saturday, 23 June 2012


I first noticed these birds in New Zealand, even though they are endemic to Australia too. So, I think of them by their New Zealand name- pukeko. Anyway, pukeko is a much cooler name than Purple Swamphen which is their Australian name.

I've been thrilled to see some move in to my neighbourhood. They like living near open water, and have taken up residence in the new storm water collection areas near my house.

At first it was a surprise to see one

But then when you know where to look 

they're quite easy to spot

They build quite intriguing nests and platforms in the reed beds. One of the uses for their big gangly feet.

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books


Unknown said...

What an interesting looking bird, nice photos!

Melissa O. said...

GREAT pictures! That first one is kind of like a "Where's Waldo?" picture -- I had to look for the pukeko! What an interesting bird!

Trish said...

That red beak is a dead giveaway! He certainly looks at home there in the rushes, though, doesn't he?

Christine Harding said...

It looks a bit like a moorhen, and they also build very untidy nests at the edge of the water. My Snaphot is historic (again!). I'ms stuck in the past, obviously

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Gorgeous coloring! And I love the reeds, too. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy your weekend.


Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Thats cool - I never seen a bird like that before :)

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

It's not often I see a purple bird. I'd notice him straight away. Wow, those feet are huge. I'm always amazed at the many different ways birds have adapted to their environment.

Kaye said...

Such a beautifu color! Thanks for sharing.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

How very cool. We use to live in an area with these tall grasses surrounding the bay. a fun place to walk and see different birds.

Eugenia O'Neal said...

What a beautiful colour! Never heard of this bird but love the purple.

Anonymous said...

Just wonderful, esp. the purplish blue. This is a bird I won't know about if not for your posting. Thanks for sharing.

bermudaonion said...

He's quite a pretty bird!

Alyce said...

I like how you told a story with the photos. I did have to go back to first photo to see where the hen was. :)

Anonymous said...

I also like your progression of photos and words to make a story.

Sim Carter said...

Purple swamphen is quite descriptive though. What stunning colors!

Harvee44 said...

I'm a bird watcher myself and would watch it if we had one nearby! Interesting wildfowl, pretty beak.

abrianna said...

Like the color of the bird. I too had to go back to the first photo to see the first I thought there were small flowers in the reeds I was supposed to see :)

Mrs. Fry said...

cool! I love birds. Definitely easy to spot purple!

Brona said...

I love learning something new each day - thanks Louise :-)
The photo of the pukeko playing peekaboo with you in 'they're quite easy to spot' is delightful.