Tuesday 18 January 2011

Oscar Wilde Reading Challenge

I wasn't going to sign up for any other reading challenges. I have so much non-challenge reading to do that already puts me under pressure- but Oscar- come on, who can pass him by?

Not me. So I got myself over to Armchair Archives Wilde Reading Challenge. And signed up for a Wilde Card entry. I only have to read two works by Oscar to get there. Maybe this will get me to finally finish the beautifully illustrated book of his fairy tales that I bought about 10 years ago and have only read The Happy Prince from.

After all a mere few months ago I was trekking all over Dublin chasing Oscar. Seeking his birthplace and the house he grew up in

And the most disturbing, disrespectful homage ever


Anonymous said...

Is that a statue? Or a street performer?

Have you visited Oscar Wilde's grave in Paris? I think it's one of the best ones in the Père Lachaise cemetery.

Louise said...

It's a statue sadly. It's in the park opposite his home.

I've been to Paris twice now, and haven't made it to Pere Lachaise either time. It's on the list for next time (whenever that happy time will be). I've seen pictures of it of course, but it's not the same.

Kath Lockett said...

Crikey that statue is.... um..... well, a bit confronting and, er, insultingly comical. Did the artist actually *like* Wilde?

The only work I've read of his was 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' which I loved, but that was years ago. I know that his letter 'The ballad of Reading Gaol' is also on 'read before I die' list.

Louise said...

I'm glad it's not just me who finds that statue disrespectful Kath. I wondered if the sculptor didn't like Oscar too, but why take the commission? Besides the fee of course. Naturally I did photograph it from the most unflattering angle, but I was truly shocked, that this was the memorial erected in his home town.

Louise said...

And The Ballad of Reading Gaol is rather short. I remember it as being sad. I don't read much (ie essentially any) poetry, but I enjoyed this one.

bermudaonion said...

You definitely have to do this challenge after that trip! Good luck!

Susan said...

I'm not signed up for this challenge, but I do have The Picture of Dorian Gray on my list for the Back to the Classics challenge. I'm looking forward to it!

Louise said...

Thanks Kathy I will. I think I'll try for another play. Perhaps I could reread Earnest. I saw it performed while I was in Dublin- it was wonderful, with Stockard Channing as Lady Bracknell.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is quite an astonishing book. It's such a famous plot that it's intriguing to read the original.