Friday, 25 July 2014

Favourite Toddler Paris Reads

I was excited recently to see yet another list of favourite books about Paris, especially as this is a list of favourite reads for a pair of Channel-crossing toddlers. I've never been jealous of toddlers before, but have managed it now. They have good taste these toddlers.

A Lion in Paris - Beatrice Alemagna

I really need to find this one

This is Paris - Miroslav Sasek

Oops - Jean-Luc Fromental, Joƫlle Jolivet (illustrator) (see my review)

Mr Chicken Goes to Paris - Leigh Hobbs (see my review)

Minette's Feast - Susanna Reich, Amy Bates (illustrator)

I should make my own Paris list one day.

Books on France, a great 2014 challenge
 from Emma at 
Words and Peace

1 comment:

  1. Yes you should!
    I'd love to see your Paris list :-)


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