Tuesday 25 March 2014

25 YA Novels Everyone- Even Adults- Should Read

It's been a while since I checked out a list. I am really interested in this one I found recently at Flavorwire. As an adult I do enjoy reading YA, so it's not much of a stretch for me at all.

As with any list there's some books I've read, many I've been meaning to read, and some I've never even heard of.

Harry Potter Series - J.K Rowling (read 1/7)

His Dark Materials trilogy- Philip Pullman

Ender's Game- Orson Scott Card

Ender's Shadow- Orson Scott Card

Abhorsen trilogy- Garth Nix

Shade's Children- Garth Nix

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret- Judy Blume (see my review)

The Fault in Our Stars- John Green (see my review)

The Giver- Lois Lowry (see my review)

Divergent- Veronica Roth- Master Wicker is currently heavily enamoured of this series, and is just starting the third book in the lead up to the movie release of Divergent next month.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy- Jonathan Stroud (read 1/3)

Song of the Lioness- Tamora Pierce

The Hunger Games trilogy- Suzanne Collins (read 2/3) (see my reviews- The Hunger Games, Catching Fire)

The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Stephen Chobsky (see my review)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian- Sherman Alexie ( see my review)

Uglies- Scott Westerfeld

So Yesterday- Scott Westerfeld

Holes- Louis Sachar (see my review)

Just Listen- Sarah Dessen

Feed- M.T. Anderson

The Book Thief- Markus Zusak

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants- Ann Brashares

A Wrinkle in Time- Madeleine L'Engle (see my review)

Monster- Walter Dean Myers

Eleanor & Park- Rainbow Rowell

It's not really 25, it's really 37, they've cheated a bit with trilogies and series, and I can well understand that.

I've read 10/37. And so the TBR grows.

September 2014 11/37

October 2015 12/37


  1. I got 11 but the majority Harry Potter. I have recently read Eleanor & Park and thought it was wonderful (esp. for a teen of the 80s).

  2. Oh I've heard so much about Eleanor & Park- all good that I'd really like to get to it soonish.

  3. 10 and I read the first sisterhood book with Harry Potter and Dark Materials counting as 1 rather than individually counted (which would change my count to something like 20 ... I think).

  4. How is 'The Book Thief' a YA.

  5. I haven't read many, but i just loved Dark Materials (all of them) and Sisterhood series. I never got into Harry, but I've been keeping my eye open for other YA lit to get into - so thanks heaps for you list...

  6. Great work Satia, I can only hope to get through them all one day. Holes has to be on my schedule soon- it seems to appear on everyone of these lists…

    Ric if they have a teenage protagonist then some people will call anything YA. Many of these books deal with big subjects, so death, Nazis and persecution is no big deal.

    Tamara, glad you liked the list. I must get to His Dark Materials, I've heard great things about it.


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