Saturday, 9 July 2011

Lèche Vitrine

My French isn't all that. It used to be, but sadly isn't now due to neglect. But I still appreciate many a French turn of phrase. Like lèche vitrine- so much better than our window shopping. The French don't shop the windows, they lick them. And why not when they look this good?

I was transfixed by this dress, we walked past it a lot

I really wanted to have a little girl to buy this dress

An echo of an ancient land!

The knife shop around the corner from our flat had a great display about the changes with time and the regionality of knives in France. Almost the terroir of knives. 
Kinves of yesterday

Kinves of today

Of course the DON'T TOUCH is in English

Book shops!

Everyone gets excited by the windows of Paris- even the stylish ladies


Extraordinary Left Bank nougat shop that lured me inside

I never got to try any of these but liked to admire their windows

Sometimes you can only wonder

Saturday Snapshot, is a wonderful weekly meme from at home with books.


  1. Ha! I love that expression. I was just in Paris last month and know exactly what you mean. Thanks for posting these lovely shop window images - I can't wait to go back.

  2. Thanks for the window tour around Paris! Love the jewelry display.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What lovely images; so colorful and appealing to the eye.

  5. What marvelous photos! I really enjoyed them. Not sure I'd want chain mail thing, scarf or headband, but still, very interesting. I saw some of those peaches in the grocery store the other day. Picked one up to see if they smelled the same. They do. :-)

  6. There are no windows as beautiful, as unusual, as breathtaking as those in Paris. I miss seeing them (licking them? :) so very much. The last time I was in Paris was in 2001, when I bought my wedding dress with my mother. Neither of us are French, we just love Paris very much, and have often gone there en vacance. So loved this post of yours, and how lovely it is to experience the windows through your eyes. Thanks for sharing! (And, for visiting me. Nice to meet you.)

  7. Gorgeous showcase of beautiful things! And beautiful places...thanks for sharing.


  8. Those photos make me wish I was in Paris! I wonder where those stylish ladies are from - I didn't see many blondes in France when we lived there.

  9. I've never been to France, so I thought this mini window tour was fantastic! I had no idea about the window licking expression - that is so funny!

  10. Hi!
    Great snapshots! It looks like a magical place. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  11. Fabulous pics - I love to window shop.

  12. What wonderful windows to window shop in. I can see why the nougat shop lured you in....

    Here's my Snapshot:

  13. Thanks for taking us window shopping. I definite could understand window licking at the nougat shop

  14. What a wonderful post for reading and daydreaming on a Sunday morning.


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